Friday, April 27, 2012

Clothes Sizing

A new picture up for the blog.

Wanted to try an oddish pose with female form as well as some clashing colors choices. I'm pleased with the results personally. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Logo for cards/webpage

I realized I still did not have a logo for myself still.

Decided it was time to rectify that.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Job shooting

It's been a looong time since I updated this blog. I've gotten my kick back, and have been trying to find myself that graphics art job I really want. Something MIGHT have opened up, and I am praying it does. Pray for me followers.

In the mean time, here is a design that was commissioned from me from a ex-marine. It was a privilege to work on this one. The background image IS copied, due to how it was a specific image he wanted for the cross artillery cannons.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A small update.

Yeah, It sucks when your muse is kinda trashed at the time. I've been getting ALOT of rejections lately from other companies for new jobs, but I'm still staying hopeful. At least I HAVE a job at the time which is more then I can say for some of my my fellow graduates. I consider myself lucky all things considered.

I'm still applying around though and trying to do small doodles to keep myself busy. Otherwise, my Warhammer 40k model paintings keep my occupied also. I have begun to have alot of fun lately with painting them.

But thats not what you're here for. No, you want a new pic. And that's what you'll get! A picture for my Aunt I did of her "baby". Her dog is such a sweetheart.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quiet on the Eastern Front...

It's been abit quiet on my art blog I know as of late. With the recent hour increase I have gotten over at my job, It's taken alot of time away from me being able to sit down and work on personal art for my gallery, but the hours are good and this is helping me out alot.

I promise to update again with more art hopefully by next week. I really have some cool concept ideas I want to get finished illustrating!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Quicky before Bed

Another idea me and my friend put together for a concept piece for his game/RPG he's working on.

I like "Jack of Spades" WAY more then the "Jack of Clubs" concept.

Jester of Mischief Concept

As posted on my DA:
An idea for a concept I've had in my head for a long time.

I wanted to do some Evilish Jester of Mischief with toxins and tools on him at all times. The rabbit mask was just an idea in my head of how I for some reason naturally assume rabbits and mischief from stories work. I know it works better for other animals I am sure, but for some reason the idea of a rabbit just works for me here. I think its the idea of this thing poisoning or tricking someone, and then leaping a great distance up and away from the target that makes the connection work.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE masks! To me, the more mystery that an object adds to a figure, the more powerful it becomes.